[Salon] Leader of the French left on how the US "wants war" with China

Absolutely extraordinary speech by
@JLMelenchon, the leader of the French left, on how the US "wants war" with China. 
Here is it in full: 
"The center of the world, at this hour when the most terrible of wars is being prepared, is not on European soil. It is over there between the coasts of the Americas and the coasts of Asia. This was reiterated yesterday at an international conference held in Singapore, where the Americans repeated that, whatever happens in Europe or the Middle East, their priority is in the Asia-Pacific zone, which they call the Indo-Pacific so that the enemy is better identified. For them, it is China. 
They want war because 50% of the world's wealth is produced there. More than 50% of the world's population is there. The United States of America is in competition with China, but not ideologically. 
Who initiated the first agreements with China to outsource factories if not the United States of America themselves? They cannot tell us that it is a fight for freedom against I don't know what. All of this is nonsense. 
It's just because China is becoming the world's leading power, and from there, gradually, dollars will no longer be used as much as before to trade goods. Thus, the empire is hit at its core. Its core is its currency, which it can print as much as it wants because it is not bound by any of the rules that apply to all other nations. They can print as much as they want, as long as you need it for your exchanges, to buy raw materials, to buy oil, to buy minerals, etc., etc. And the day it stops, that is, the day nations agree among themselves to pay in their currency, it's over, and the empire collapses. 
Therefore, they engage in competition that is not free and completely distorted, supported by weapons. That is their policy. And meanwhile, the foolish Europeans are there saying, "Ah, of course, we agree with freedom. Ah, of course, that is an excellent program." When this program by the North Americans, in truth, also involves robbing Europe, as has already begun.
 That is where the greatest threat of war lies because it would be a total war, as weapons there do not have the same range, the same significance as elsewhere. As in Europe, notably atomic weapons. Remember what I am telling you because you will pay a little more attention to it as you hear more about it. 
And we, the French, are concerned because we are present in this zone through Polynesia, through the territory of New Caledonia Kanaki, through our presence in Reunion in the Indian Ocean. Therefore, the French have something to say, and in particular this: we do not want a war with China. And we will oppose by all diplomatic means to prevent it from happening."

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